Friday, December 23, 2011

Lindon City's YouTube Channel

Did you know that Lindon City has a great
YouTube Channel?!?! 
Check it out and sign up know to stay in better
touch with city events..
Check out this link to see what went down at the Senior Breakfast -
it's worth 8+ minutes of your day for a sweet smile!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I took sometime right after the eletions for R&R with my hubby
 -okay I still had a note pad that I made five long pages of notes of things to do regarding the next four years! 

I am so excited to work on some new things for Lindon and so excited to find like-minded people on the city staff!

2012 is going to be a
great year for Lindon!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful Heart!

Just some of my thoughts today:

For 123 days I worked this campaign relentlessly….through record high heat to bone chilling freezes I walked the streets and lanes of the Beautiful City of Lindon.
I thought I loved Lindon before I started this process but it’s now hard to describe how truly deep my feelings are about our 8+ square miles that we call home!
The People, city staff, parks, public safety and so much more to be conscientious of -
I am deeply honored and humbled by the Citizens of Lindon.

I will fulfill my pledge to be a True Representative Legislator who listens to YOU!
To those who voted for me THANK YOU
and to those who did not -
I promise to make ALL Lindon residents
proud to live here!

Thank you to the many who supported me
with hearts, thoughts and prayers!

Special thanks to my sweetheart Dave -
Thanks for always believing in me
even when I doubted myself some days!
I am one lucky gal to have you!

My dear friend Valarie, who is more of a sister to me, thank you for your feet, ears and most of all your heart!

To my busy kids and kids-in-law, who are all adults
with busy lives, thanks for always being there
for whatever I needed.

I am so blessed!

Lindon Councilmembers Elect

Jeff Acerson, Matt Bean and Randi Powell
Just after 11:00 pm the results came in
from Lindon’s six precincts.
Jeff received 834 votes
Matt received 959 votes
and I received 937 votes.
A little time to breathe and then the work begins the first week of January when we take our oaths of office.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


New Lindon City Councilmembers
Matt Bean   959
Randi Powell 937
Jeff Acerson   834

Additional Vote Tallies
Bruce Armstrong  639
Mike Marchbanks 620
Ed Mcgarr  522

There are 12 provisional ballots still to be certified and count by next week.

It's been a long 123 days since I filed to be a candidate for City Council with many miles of walking and doors that were knocked!
Thanks so much to my family and friends for all your love and support!

Time To Vote!

Proudly Display Your American Flag Today as a reminder to all that it is General Election Day!

Most Cities across this Great Land have Municipal Elections Today!

Let your VOICE be heard
through your VOTE!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Honk & Wave

 Did You Catch Our Gang on
State Street Tonight?!?
Leslie, Courtney, Matt, Randi, Valarie, Todd, Jessica and Tyler -
 not in the picture Kody and Dave
Thanks Everyone!

We were on the corner of State and Center Street
with our Honk and Wave.
From 4:30 to 5:30 pm Monday November 7 
we were blessed with a one hour window
between snow flurries -
We had a GREAT response from the passing traffic!
 Oldest son Tyler, sporting two signs at the same time.  Everyone was SO helpful to come out and support the "Randi Powell for Lindon City Council" cause!
We Didn't Even Cause ONE accident
at this dangerous corner!
Plans are for UDOT to put a signal light here
 - hopefully someday soon!

 Great Friend and "Advisor" Valarie Ricks
 - she is so much more than a "spellchecker"

My Sweetheart and biggest supporter Dave! 
So glad to have Him by my side!

Now with the Polls opening in just Hours it's your turn to get out
and have your voices heard!
Don't Forget to -
Vote FOR Lindon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Voted Today!

Dave and I took advantage of early voting this afternoon.

There is still time to take advantage of early voting at the new Lindon Community Center
(the old red church) at 25 North Main Street
Thursday and Friday 1:00 - 5:00

The General Election is Tuesday Novemeber 8th
(That's the Last Day to Vote!)
**Don't forget you get three candidates to Vote for**
Polls of open at 7:00 am and close at 8:00 pm
Voting is again at the community center

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One Week until General Election Day!

With just one week until the General Election Day on November 8th I have found myself very busy!
Door knocking,
Last minute sign placements,
Visiting with residents,
More door knocking,
Filing of required financial reports
TONIGHT is my very last City Council Meeting
before the big day!

I had promised myself that I would attend every council meeting once I filed as a candidate for City Council.
While I didn't make it passed 10:30pm on two occasions- tonight will be the 7th Council Meeting
 since the filing date closed.

I have found it sad that I am the only remaining candidate who has done this.
That being said, one candidate attended
 part of one meeting.
There is another Candidate who does have his ear to the ground, so to speak, as to what is going on in Lindon. He is the Chairman of the Planning Commission
and I certainly give him a pass since he attends his City meetings the opposite Tuesday night as City Council.

So I’m off to listen as a citizen about issues regarding a zoning change (which I support) and an amendment to the accessory apartment code (which I also support).

Hopefully the next time I attend it will be as a Councilmember Elect!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

What a Treat to hit the streets of Lindon and meet so many wonderful people! 

Staying home this Spooky Night to enjoy Halloween and
frost the cupcakes I baked this morning!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Early Voting Begins Today!

All precincts will vote at the new Lindon Community Center
25 North Main Street

Election day
voting in the gymnasium
Early voting will also be held at this location

General Election - The General Election will be held to elect three City Councilmembers:
  • Early Voting - General Election - dates and times available:           
Tuesday, October 25th 
          - thru –
     Friday, October 28th  –
              1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 1st
              3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 2nd
         –thru -
     Friday, November 4th –
              1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
General Election -
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

 All early voting and election day voting will take place at the
Lindon Community Center,
25 North Main Street

For additional information, contact Kathy Moosman, Lindon City Recorder
at (801) 785-5043.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Check Out the YouTube Clips!

Well Meet the Candidates is Over - but the night will live on as long the Lindon City keep the clips online!  Thanks to our city planner, Adam Cowie for recording, editing and and getting the event on line within hours - Great Job Adam!

Check out this link if you want to see what all six candidates had to say!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tonight is the Night!

Come and Get Informed about the Candidates for Lindon City Council Folks! 
See Yesterdays Blog for more Information....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet the Candidates Tomorrow!

Thursday, October 20th at 6:00 pm!
Is it on your calendar?
If it’s not make room because all the candidates
 Will be in the same place at the same time answering the same questions. 
This is your opportunity to determine where your three votes are going to go!

This all takes place that the
Lindon City Community Center Gym 
25 North Main Street in Lindon
(the old red church - south entrance)

After the formal portion of the evening you will get a chance to visit and/or ask questions
of the candidates personally at their display table.

Tell your friends and neighbors -
Better yet bring them along!

Here's what is posted by the city and was included with the City Utility Bill and Newsletter:

Lindon City
Meet the Candidates Night
Thursday, October 20, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Lindon City
Community center
25 North main Street
Come and hear the candidate’s views on
issues facing our community. Following a
formal question and answer period,
candidates will be available to speak
individually with residents.
Check the Lindon City website for
complete election information.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Signs are Going Up!

So as not to cause confusion as to WHO "Randi" really is I recently ordered a new batch of signs from my "Oh so FaBuLoUs sign Guy" Michael! 

Thanks to Glen Ricks Photography and Michael for making sure everyone now knows that "Randi" in not Randy! 

If you are interested in having a sign in your yard just email me at and I will personally install it for you!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Word is Getting Out!

I have been approached by the Provo Daily Herald and by an Eagle Scout Candidate for information they are/have compiled about each of the Six Candidates running for the Three seats for Lindon City Coucil.  
Here is how I responded to them.

Randi Powell

I am a wife, mother of 5 and grandmother of 4. I have lived and loved Lindon for over 17 years. In my 50 years of life I have moved 34 times so it must be said that Lindon is most certainly HOME for ME!
I have always had a deep passion for learning, researching and reasoning things out. These characteristics have been beneficial in my life’s pursuits some of which include:

*Owned and operated Custom Creation Draperies.
*Served 12 years on the Board of Powell Garage Doors, Inc.
*Served on many PTA/PTC boards.
*Organized groups for several causes regarding both education and civic matters.
*Served as a Spokesperson for the Utah Multiple Sclerosis Society.
*Currently two term GOP State Delegate.
*Currently Serve on the Healthy Lindon Committee.
*Currently a volunteer aerobic instructor for the new Lindon Community Center.
Lindon has important issues that need addressing. UTOPIA, Budget Matters, Open Spaces and code concerns are at a critical crossroad. I have a desire to manage these issues in a way that is prudent, sensible and forward thinking. Additionally, I will demonstrate the authenticity needed to be a true representative legislator who LISTENS to constituents and makes decisions in terms of what is best for Lindon - even the hard ones!

We need to connect the dots between what the city has to offer it’s citizens and those citizens feeling confident and familiar with the city.

I’m looking forward to being a “Voice Standing Up for Better Communication between Lindon City Residents and Lindon City Government.”

Feel free to contact me at 801-785-7137 or or Facebook friend me at Randi Wood Powell. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Orem Mayor Jerry Washburn

So very sad to hear this morning about the passing of Jerry Washburn - a man of many talents and abilities. Though he was a long time Orem Resident he owned and loved a "little bit of country" here in Lindon - Just over 23 acres just East of Geneva Road and west of WalMart.

I like what his son Chris had to say about his father in today’s Provo Daily Herald, "Dad said if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing right, and whatever you do, you should do it really well."
Read more:

Jeffery Washburn will surely be missed in many ways!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Visit to UTOPIA Offices

Tuesday, I went to West Valley City to Visit the UTOPIA Offices along with a dozen other city council candidates from other cities in the Northern Utah region (I was the only Lindon candidate present). The purpose of this visit was to learn about how UTOPIA has changed and is progressing with their new leadership team.

I will say that I went to the “Lunch and Learn” doubtful and even pessimistic that they would offer much more than a sales pitch. It was refreshing that Todd Marriott, their new Executive Director of three years, laid it all out on the table - the good, the bad and the ugly.

I’ve always said that UTOPIA’s business model needed to be changed and this NEW model comes across like that’s what Todd and his team are doing! They seemed VERY focused on making the UTOPIA infastructure work in a way that has other parts of the country standing up and taking notice.

The original UTOPIA model has left a bitter taste for many but I will say that this new model MUST be looked at as being seriously viable!

I for one will look HEAVILY at how it can work for my household needs and budget in compared to what I’m paying now for my “Triple Play”. As I discover more I’ll be sure to share it with you! I’ll be looking at it from every viewpoint, as a citizen, as a potential Council Member and whether this new model is on the right track.

More to come on this topic…….

Monday, September 19, 2011

On to the General Election!

It's been almost a week since the
Primary Elections
and there has been plenty of time for
reflection and planning.

Tuesday September 20th will be a busy day!
I will be attending a "Lunch and Learn" sponsored by the folks at UTOPIA. 
They are offering this to ALL candidates in city elections where UTOPIA does business.

 I feel it's important to understand
what they represent themselves as a business. 
This will help me in my ongoing research.

Tomorrow Night I'll Attend
Lindon City Council Meeting

There I will hear the final results of the Primary Elections as the City reports to the
Board of Canvassers as required by Law.

Additional items on the agenda
              I will learn more about will include:

Concept Review - Continued
       Climate Controlled Storage Facility – 60 South Main Street.

Concept Review
Commercial Agricultural Zone – Wadley Farms. 35 East 400 North

Review and Action
Reduction of Accessory Apartment Park Impact Fee.

Review and Action
Waiver of an Accessory Apartment Park Impact Fee.

Review and Action
Request for Re-Appointment of Jeff Wilson to the Lindon City Board of Adjustments.

Public Hearing - Continued
     Lindon City General Plan – Comprehensive Review.

 – I really find it interesting that I am the ONLY current Candidate who has attended these meetings since filing to run for office in July.

 I feel it is necessary so that I can communicate with Lindon’s citizens what is currently happening in our city as I visit with them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Results are In!

I squeeked out second place today in the Primary Elections
Here's the tally
1- Jeff Acerson        492
2- Randi Powell       369
3- Bruce Armstrong 368
4- Ed McGarr          350
5-Mike Marchbanks 319
6- Matt Bean            316
Jerald Hatch             294
Russell Stay              216
Bill Johanson               82

Election Day!

Well, after personally delivering 800 pieces of literature door to door over the course of many, many days the footwork for the Primary Elections is over and the VOTES are being cast!

Thanks to those who walked the Lindon Streets with me - Fabulous friend Valarie and Pleasant Grove Gov/Civ students Hayley, Ashley and Alisha!!! Thanks to all you gals for joining me as we experienced meeting new to us Lindonites and greeting familiar ones…it was a GREAT experience.

Thank you to my great husband and family members for their wonderful support. I love you so much!

Now we all gather tonight for the results at the Lindon City Center! The counting begins after the polls close at 8:00.……. More later J

Friday, August 19, 2011

Meet The Candidates Night

On Wednesday August 17, 2011 I had the chance along with 7 of the 8 other candidates for Lindon City Council to meet with Citizens and gave them a chance to get to know us better.

Lindon Days...Time to Meet and Greet!

The second week of August is always Lindon Days - a time for loads of fun events spread out over the week and the city.  Here's how my week went-

A Fabulous 300+ entry car show in Lindon's Lower Park, Huck Finn Fishing Event in Creekside Park, Mini Rodeo Events in arena,  Breakfast in the Park along with the Flag Raising Ceremony and the end of the 5K race all in Lower Lindon Park.  This was followed by the Grand Parade down Center Street, Fair in the Park, Concert in the Park (which got blow out by a short yet sudden wind strom) and the whole thing ending it a lovely Fireworks display.

 Thanks to my Parade Helpers, Kayla, Caren, Romy, Jessica, Todd (not pictured here) and camera man Dave for aiding me get down along the parade route and talk with the Citizens of Lindon! You are awesome!

In between I placed hundreds of hand cards on cars at city events all in the hot August sun.  I've met loads of nice and interested people who all share my same love for Lindon!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lindon City Police Department's Fourth Annual Night Out Against Crime

Randi Powell with Officer Curtis Campbell

I enjoyed spending time last night with a few Lindon residents who met in Hollow Park with Lindon Police Officer Curtis Campbell.  Officer Campbell gave us a presentation about the issues that are occurring in our neighborhoods and discussed ways to prevent crime and how to better protect our homes, families, neighborhood and our whole community. 

After his presentation we went on a "Flashlight Walk" (without the flashlights =D ) at dusk to the area around the park.  Officer Campbell pointed out issues of home, personal and public safety can be enhanced.

Great Job Lindon Police Department!

Just a reminder about Saftey Issues that Lindon City has coming up!
   ***Mark Your Calendar!!
Monday September 12, 2011
6:00PM to 8:00PM
*Block Check-In for ALL Lindon Residents
*Special Radio Transmission to ALL Lindon Ham Radio Operators with a Contest and Prizes
*Business and School Drills
*Special CERT Refresher Drill for Trained CERT Members
*Table-top Exercise for City Officials at the Emergency Operations Center

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Great Photographer!!

Thanks to Glen Rick's Photography for graciously providing me with his services for my campaign. As one of a handful of Master Photographers in the State of Utah Glen’s skill was evident with only a few clicks of the shutter. In fact the photo I choose was the first one he took. I HIGHLY recommend his services....Check him out!
New "Trading Card" going to print for Lindon Days and more!