Thursday, October 20th at 6:00 pm! Is it on your calendar?
If it’s not make room because all the candidates
Will be in the same place at the same time answering the same questions.
This is your opportunity to determine where your three votes are going to go!
This all takes place that the
Lindon City Community Center Gym
25 North Main Street in Lindon
(the old red church - south entrance)
After the formal portion of the evening you will get a chance to visit and/or ask questions
of the candidates personally at their display table.
Tell your friends and neighbors -
Better yet bring them along!
Here's what is posted by the city and was included with the City Utility Bill and Newsletter:
Lindon City
Meet the Candidates Night
Thursday, October 20, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Lindon City
Community center
25 North main Street
Come and hear the candidate’s views on
issues facing our community. Following a
formal question and answer period,
candidates will be available to speak
individually with residents.
Check the Lindon City website