Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

What a Treat to hit the streets of Lindon and meet so many wonderful people! 

Staying home this Spooky Night to enjoy Halloween and
frost the cupcakes I baked this morning!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Early Voting Begins Today!

All precincts will vote at the new Lindon Community Center
25 North Main Street

Election day
voting in the gymnasium
Early voting will also be held at this location

General Election - The General Election will be held to elect three City Councilmembers:
  • Early Voting - General Election - dates and times available:           
Tuesday, October 25th 
          - thru –
     Friday, October 28th  –
              1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 1st
              3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 2nd
         –thru -
     Friday, November 4th –
              1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
General Election -
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

 All early voting and election day voting will take place at the
Lindon Community Center,
25 North Main Street

For additional information, contact Kathy Moosman, Lindon City Recorder
at (801) 785-5043.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Check Out the YouTube Clips!

Well Meet the Candidates is Over - but the night will live on as long the Lindon City keep the clips online!  Thanks to our city planner, Adam Cowie for recording, editing and and getting the event on line within hours - Great Job Adam!

Check out this link if you want to see what all six candidates had to say!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tonight is the Night!

Come and Get Informed about the Candidates for Lindon City Council Folks! 
See Yesterdays Blog for more Information....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet the Candidates Tomorrow!

Thursday, October 20th at 6:00 pm!
Is it on your calendar?
If it’s not make room because all the candidates
 Will be in the same place at the same time answering the same questions. 
This is your opportunity to determine where your three votes are going to go!

This all takes place that the
Lindon City Community Center Gym 
25 North Main Street in Lindon
(the old red church - south entrance)

After the formal portion of the evening you will get a chance to visit and/or ask questions
of the candidates personally at their display table.

Tell your friends and neighbors -
Better yet bring them along!

Here's what is posted by the city and was included with the City Utility Bill and Newsletter:

Lindon City
Meet the Candidates Night
Thursday, October 20, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Lindon City
Community center
25 North main Street
Come and hear the candidate’s views on
issues facing our community. Following a
formal question and answer period,
candidates will be available to speak
individually with residents.
Check the Lindon City website for
complete election information.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Signs are Going Up!

So as not to cause confusion as to WHO "Randi" really is I recently ordered a new batch of signs from my "Oh so FaBuLoUs sign Guy" Michael! 

Thanks to Glen Ricks Photography and Michael for making sure everyone now knows that "Randi" in not Randy! 

If you are interested in having a sign in your yard just email me at and I will personally install it for you!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Word is Getting Out!

I have been approached by the Provo Daily Herald and by an Eagle Scout Candidate for information they are/have compiled about each of the Six Candidates running for the Three seats for Lindon City Coucil.  
Here is how I responded to them.

Randi Powell

I am a wife, mother of 5 and grandmother of 4. I have lived and loved Lindon for over 17 years. In my 50 years of life I have moved 34 times so it must be said that Lindon is most certainly HOME for ME!
I have always had a deep passion for learning, researching and reasoning things out. These characteristics have been beneficial in my life’s pursuits some of which include:

*Owned and operated Custom Creation Draperies.
*Served 12 years on the Board of Powell Garage Doors, Inc.
*Served on many PTA/PTC boards.
*Organized groups for several causes regarding both education and civic matters.
*Served as a Spokesperson for the Utah Multiple Sclerosis Society.
*Currently two term GOP State Delegate.
*Currently Serve on the Healthy Lindon Committee.
*Currently a volunteer aerobic instructor for the new Lindon Community Center.
Lindon has important issues that need addressing. UTOPIA, Budget Matters, Open Spaces and code concerns are at a critical crossroad. I have a desire to manage these issues in a way that is prudent, sensible and forward thinking. Additionally, I will demonstrate the authenticity needed to be a true representative legislator who LISTENS to constituents and makes decisions in terms of what is best for Lindon - even the hard ones!

We need to connect the dots between what the city has to offer it’s citizens and those citizens feeling confident and familiar with the city.

I’m looking forward to being a “Voice Standing Up for Better Communication between Lindon City Residents and Lindon City Government.”

Feel free to contact me at 801-785-7137 or or Facebook friend me at Randi Wood Powell.