Did You Catch Our Gang on
State Street Tonight?!?
Leslie, Courtney, Matt, Randi, Valarie, Todd, Jessica and Tyler -
not in the picture Kody and Dave
Thanks Everyone!
We were on the corner of State and Center Street
with our Honk and Wave.
From 4:30 to 5:30 pm Monday November 7
we were blessed with a one hour window
between snow flurries -
We had a GREAT response from the passing traffic!
Oldest son Tyler, sporting two signs at the same time. Everyone was SO helpful to come out and support the "Randi Powell for Lindon City Council" cause!
We Didn't Even Cause ONE accident
at this dangerous corner!
Plans are for UDOT to put a signal light here
- hopefully someday soon!
Great Friend and "Advisor" Valarie Ricks
- she is so much more than a "spellchecker"
My Sweetheart and biggest supporter Dave!
So glad to have Him by my side!
Now with the Polls opening in just Hours it's your turn to get out
and have your voices heard!
Don't Forget to -
Vote FOR Lindon